
The evolving landscape of knowlege

The Evolving Landscape of Knowlege

The Evolving Landscape of Knowledge 

There is a saying I learned from Master Sha: “Knowledge lasts decades. Wisdom is eternal.

We may not like being in the dark about some things, but we need to stop the shame and embarrassment around being seen as “not knowing” as individuals, and as a race, country, government, species, religion and more. (In fact, we should begin life in a religion of transparency and inquiry that is called the ‘I don’t know’ religion.)

Most entrepreneurs or creative people know the power of “I don’t know” and of remaining “open” for new information to flow to them. And by saying “we know” we just shut the door. Moreover, the “need to know” is tied to our egos, and is very seldomly a pure act of service to others.

I believe that people have evolved to the point where they will listen and respect leaders and scientists that say, “I don’t know”, but are telling the truth, over those who act like they “know it all” but are lying.

The unchanging truth about science, technology and medicine is that we know less today than what we will tomorrow and more than we knew yesterday. That’s about all we can say about the extent to which science knows at any given moment, in the context of much greater things existing.

And it’s also, like everything else, a function of the frequency and vibration of the observer. Meaning that, not all scientists agree with all other scientists and philosophies. And meaning that, as we as a species grow in our vibrational frequency rates, more things will become apparent and accessible to us.

Therefore, the unknown realities that science has not discovered (or may be known but not released publicly) are a much bigger body of knowledge than what human science has discovered (or is made publicly available) until now, which is not something all scientists may easily acknowledge or admit.

which is not something all scientists may easily acknowledge or admit. Of course if you subscribe to ‘Science’ being the ‘know all’, because nothing that has not been ‘proven’ by science is real, then that’s your choice. (This likely is in connection with your comfort level with the ‘unknown’ which is connected to your ego. To admit you ‘don’t know’ can conflict with how you see yourself as ‘knowledgeable’.) What is important to understand is this; Science, just like art, does not advance through thought. It advances through imagination and inspiration that happens in the quiet moments between our thoughts. And this is because it happens within frequency ranges that surpass the physical range where thought occurs. 

Our minds exist only in the  physical. But with other faculties, that operate during the mind’s recesses, it is possible to transcend the physical so we can “know” other realities. So we can experience other realities. Using the mind to access them is like trying to use our nose to smell like a dog (who’s sense of smell is 10-100 thousand times more acute than humans). Or like trying to use our eyes to see like an eagle (who’s sight is 4-5 times greater than a humans). Our minds and our senses are not designed to go beyond the physical, and thus our minds are quite limited in scope to the spectrum of all reality. It does not mean that there’s nothing outside that spectrum. We just can’t access it at our current vibrational level. 

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