
Forgiveness Practice

Forgiveness Practice. What is forgiveness? What is it really? Forgiveness is going back in time and loving all the things that are unloved. All the times where we withheld our love, for one reason or another, are causing us to be less than whole. What forgiveness practice does is it returns us to wholeness. Those that we cannot and will not forgive, only cause us more pain and suffering, as we define our outer world, according to our inner pain. We still carry the  frequency and vibration of that pain, which draws it into our lives repeatedly. Not to torture us. But as a gift, so that we can transform it. 

**Confession (Catholic/Christian tradition):** Confession is a sacrament in the Catholic Church where believers confess their sins to a priest in order to receive absolution and forgiveness from God. It involves acknowledging one’s sins, expressing remorse, and committing to making amends.

**Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur – Jewish tradition):** Yom Kippur is considered the holiest day in Judaism and is observed with fasting, prayer, and repentance. It’s a time for Jews to reflect on their actions over the past year, seek forgiveness from both God and others, and make resolutions for the upcoming year.

**Ramadan (Islamic tradition):** Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar and is observed by Muslims worldwide as a month of fasting, prayer, reflection, and community. During Ramadan, Muslims fast from dawn until sunset, engage in increased prayer and recitation of the Quran, and strive for spiritual growth and purification.

**Ho’oponopono (Hawaiian tradition):** Ho’oponopono is a traditional Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness. It involves a process of addressing and resolving conflicts within oneself and with others through prayer, discussion, and mutual understanding. The practice emphasizes taking responsibility for one’s actions, seeking forgiveness, and restoring harmony and balance. “I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.”

Each of these traditions offers unique rituals and practices for seeking forgiveness, reconciliation, and spiritual growth. Integrating elements from these traditions into a forgiveness practice can provide a diverse and inclusive approach to personal and spiritual development.

Master Sha also offers us a forgiveness practice which he channeled from God, which we will practice today. But before we do, I offer a bit of insight regarding how things work in the soul world.

Now, let us discuss the Karma Law.

The Karma Law states that everything that happens to us, happens for a reason. If you believe in Karma, you would understand that if something unpleasant happens to you, pointing the finger outward at ‘your outward experience’ is not prudent. There must be something within you (or me) that is causing this. (Otherwise your ‘lens’ would not be dialed into this frequency.) 

Master Sha teaches, ‘Karma is a record of service.’ There is ‘good karma’ where we have offered good service which includes kindness, care, compassion, generosity and more.’ And there is also ‘negative karma’, where we have offered poor service, which includes, killing, harming, stealing, taking advantage of others, and more. This record of service is kept in a place called, ‘The akashic record’. What we say, what we think and what we do is recorded in our lifetime. And so as we offer good service, Heaven records it. And when we offer poor service, Heaven also records it. And so our soul’s contain the vibrational signature that is consistent with our Akashic Record. And so the ‘Karma effect’ is that we are at the effect of our good Karma and bad Karma. 

How many of us are aware of what it is that we create, whether good or bad? Our awareness typically knows when we are creating Good Karma or Bad Karma. Some people call it a conscience. There is a sense of accountability and responsibility.

What forgiveness practice does, if we do it sincerely, is it allows us to wash away the bad karma, little by little over time that we may have; between us and another person, situation, or behavior that bothers us. We typically start with something small and simple, but we all have a backlog of forgiveness to do that in time, may surface. 

One thing to note is that anything that we don’t forgive, only hurts us, not the other person. 

Most of us have said, done (or not done) things that were not “good service” to others. Most of us have been treated poorly in one way or another. And all of that is locked up inside us, waiting to be loved and forgiven at the appropriate time. It can be a very emotional experience if done with intention and sincerity. Like peeling off the layers of an onion, over time, as we purify thorough forgiveness practice, we may see our standard for behavior becomes higher, and we may realize more things about the way we may have acted and behaved and even our attitudes towards others at a whole new level, not wanting to be that way any more, and necessitating further and deeper forgiveness practice.

Master Sha says, “Forgiveness brings Inner Joy and Inner Peace.”

Eventually after much of the heavy lifting is done, we will feel more at ease, at peace and joyful in our hearts. Then, it’s just a matter of regular maintenance, as well as saying, “I’m sorry” immediately after we realize we’ve made a mistake, in real-time. We are not going to stop making mistakes. But we will become more aware of ourselves, and we will reduce the amount of time that this negative energy harbors within us and festers within us, thereby increasing our overall frequency and vibration.

Also, doing it as a group multiplies the effects. Edward has a lot of high level treasures as does his calligraphies as does Master Sha. To do practices in their presence, multiplies the effects by orders of magnitude. As in, 1 hour with him, can equal 1000 hours by yourself, or even more. So it’s like a matching grant. You put your 1 dollar down, and you get 1000 back. 

Before we do the practice, Let’s turn this around. So we can really feel what we are doing with our hearts, and not just operate from our minds. Let me give you a scenario: Let’s say someone harmed or hurt you in some way. Let’s say they hurt you emotionally, or carelessly bumped into you, or smashed your car, or stole something from you or even worse. And now, imagine that they were apologizing to you. Wouldn’t you want them to be truly remorseful and sorry for what they did? Or would just saying the words, “I’m sorry” be enough???? 

While inauthenticity can be one barrier, stopping people from apologizing can be another. Knowing the ’karma law’, we need to let others apologize to us so they can be healed. Just like we need to feel worthy of receiving other’s apologies, not out of selfishness, but as a gift to them to allow them to reconcile this with Heaven, and release themselves of this burden that may weigh heavy on them and pay down their karma. (Story about a girl at the yoga studio.) And this sense of worthiness and allowing others to serve us includes saints that we ask for healing or a blessing from. They are here to help us and they also receive virtue and good karma for helping us. So when we ask, and they help, we are helping them move forward also.

Forgiveness practice dialogue. (Download forgiveness practice pdf here.)

Dear all souls, that I or my ancestors have harmed or hurt, in this lifetime or any other lifetime, I love you, honor you and appreciate you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me unconditionally. Please forgive my ancestors unconditionally. In order to be forgiven I will serve (“To serve is to make others happier and healthier.”) I will do my best not to repeat the same mistakes again. Instead, I will offer good service, wherever possible. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

And Dear all souls, that have harmed and hurt me, or my ancestors in any lifetime, I forgive you, totally and unconditionally. (We forgive to the best of our ability. Over time, we may be able to forgive further.) You do not owe me anything, you are free to go. 

Please let us join hearts and souls together and chant, Love, Peace & Harmony. (Invocation for Love, Peace & Harmony.) And chant silently or out loud, Love, Peace & Harmony Soul Song. (Press play on the video at the top of this page. And visualize that you are chanting together with  those you have just done forgiveness practice with, sending your love and receiving their love.)

One final note: In daily life, we often use the word ‘sorry’ quite liberally, without giving it much thought. However, in this practice, when we say ‘sorry’ or ‘I apologize,’ it should be with a genuine emphasis on truly being sorry, wanting to make amends, and making a sincere effort not to repeat the same mistakes. Therefore, it is best to refrain from using this word frivolously in our daily lives unless we genuinely mean it, so that it carries a more powerful context.

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