A commentary about reincarnation: You don't need to believe in it, but rather, 'pretend' for a while that it’s real and see what happens.
I was not born into the belief that karma and reincarnation were a real thing; I don’t think most people in “The West” are either. But in some parts of the world, it is the predominant belief system. In countries where non-Anglo-Christian-based philosophies and religions are predominant—such as China, Taiwan, Singapore, Indonesia, India, and others—this belief is the norm for a significant portion of the population.
Reincarnation is a widespread belief among Taoist, Buddhist and Hindu populations for example. Though even they, cannot truly know or understand it’s fullest of ramifications unless they studied this in depth. And when I say “studied”, I don’t really mean in texts books.
This is something one can only know through, ‘direct experience’. Because it exists vibrationally at levels and dimensions that are non-physical. And so we can gain this knowledge only from someone who has access to it, or if we have access to it.
What is key though, is how we view these individuals from ancient belief systems, that are capable of accessing these dimensions; Do we regard them with honor and reverence, or at least tolerance, or as in Anglo-Christian society, where “science” plays a dominant role, are these individuals demonized and chastised and their insights suppressed as quakery?
And so this unfortunately plays a large part in how we, as parents in the west, acknowledge our children when they may say to us the strangest things or do things or even when we have experiences and see repeating patterns that support the notion that we’ve been here before, we know this person, we’ve done this before, we love this animal, we hate this and don’t know why, etc. We often dismiss or discredit it or worse; take our kid to the shrink. 🙂 For those that are interested, you can find typical stories about reincarnation here and here.
I was brought up Jewish. And in the Jewish Religion, I was not taught about reincarnation. You die, and you hopefully go to Heaven. Similarly, many Jews would be surprised to know that in the most ancient teachings of the Kabbalah, in the Jewish Religion that speak about just that; . I was the one who just kept asking, almost as if I knew there was much more. It is only in the asking that answers come.
I was brought up Jewish. And in the Jewish Religion, I was not taught about reincarnation. You die, and you hopefully go to Heaven. Similarly, many Jews would be surprised to know that in the most ancient teachings of the Kabbalah, in the Jewish Religion, they speak about just that; I posted this several years ago in social media: “Surprise! Not repressed but perhaps not given to the masses. Click here.” (It’s just not shared with the the common person. And not even known by many Rabbi’s. I was just one who kept on asking and searching, never satisfied with the answers, until I got at the truth, almost as if I had known there was much more.)
Dr. Jim B. Tucker of The University of Virgina School of Medicine did an extensive study into reincarnation based on thousands of cases which you can read here, and published a book which you can find here. (excerpt photoed below.)

Also Carol Bowman wrote a book and does past life regressions. And here is one last reference about the book, “Reincarnated Children“.
In closing, my purpose here is not to convince anyone to believe in reincarnation. Both those who believe in a more clinical, psychological approach; that our behaviors are formed from birth and childhood and those who believe that our patterns come from past lives will benefit from Soul Healing.
What I will say, though, is that if you can allow yourself to entertain the possibility of reincarnation for a few days, you may begin to connect the dots in your own life that can lead to greater awareness and understanding about the people and situations in your life and it helps us to stop pointing fingers and placing blame and living a powerless life.
By considering reincarnation as a possibility, helps us to set aside judgments and simply acknowledge that “we don’t know it all” and that perhaps these occurances are a gift waiting to be transformed. With such inclination, a higher purpose to our situation is born and we can direct our focus inward to transform it. One way to do that which I highly recommend in addition to getting soul healing, is doing a daily forgiveness practice.